Just in time for the historic mid-term elections, here comes CheddaREvolution: Songs of Resurgence, a brand new compilation of fresh and original protest songs to inspire, uplift and provoke political action for much-needed change!!
The new album is available for free streaming and unlimited download, either all tracks or individual songs, right here at www.wisconsinprotestsongs.com. This compilation came about following a herald call to Wisconsin musicians to find their collective muse and create new work as inspiration for the people of Wisconsin to rise up to take back our state from Scott Walker’s billionaire puppet masters. The result is a collection of protest songs and parodies in a wide array of styles and genres.
The album includes folk, bluegrass, Americana, hip hop and rock and roll and features tracks from a diverse assortment of artists such as Lou and Peter Berryman, Peter Mulvey, November Criminals, The Whiskey Farm, Ken Lonnquist, Borderlands, Tom Kastle, The Getaway Drivers, The Material Boys, Lyric Advisory Board, VO5, BingBong, The German Art Students and Beefus.
This project is a sequel to the award-winning Cheddar Revolution: Songs of Uprising, a 2012 collection of original protest songs inspired by the Wisconsin Uprising that features music in many different genres by artists primarily from around the state, but also from coast to coast, including Wayne Kramer of The MC5 and Jon Langford of The Mekons and Waco Bros.
Like Songs of Uprising, the new album project is a labor of love by co-producers Sybil Augustine and Fred Schepartz. Augustine is Music Director at WORT Community Radio, Madison, Wisconsin. Schepartz is a fiction writer and Executive Editor of Mobius: The Journal of Social Change.
For more information and images, see contacts for the producers below. This website has been active since 2012 and features free downloads of both full albums and individual songs along with numerous bonus tracks, photos, lyrics and much, much more.
Sybil Augustine Fred Schepartz
Co-Producer Co-Producer
sybil.augustine@gmail.com fmschep@charter.net
608-338-6333 608-335-9340
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